Utilizing its proprietary pox virus vector technology platform and collaborations with world-renowned scientists and clinicians, including Aventis Pasteur and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Therion has gained extensive early stage clinical experience in the treatment of cancer using immunotherapy. Therion's clinical strategy includes expanding the body of knowledge regarding vaccine components and regimens through multiple clinical studies conducted as part of its product development programs, thereby increasing the probability of success in future large-scale trials. The Company�s access to clinical trial resources has enabled the testing of multiple protocols and products, guiding the optimization of the Company�s therapeutic vaccines. To date, Therion�s vaccine candidates have been evaluated in over 30 clinical trials and more than 700 patients.

Therion Biologics Corporation develops therapeutic vaccines for cancer and preventive vaccines for AIDS. The Company has two lead programs involving multiple clinical studies: PANVAC-VF™ for pancreatic cancer and PROSTVAC-VF® for prostate cancer. Therion is also applying its technology platform to develop vaccines to treat melanoma, breast cancer and other solid tumors. In addition to studies conducted under collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, the Company�s strategic partners include a global network of leading clinical institutions and Aventis Pasteur, Ltd., which is developing ALVAC-CEA/B7.1, a clinical candidate for the treatment of colon cancer. Therion is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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