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PANVAC - VF Synopsis (PDF)

Home > Clinical Studies > Pancreatic Cancer Program > PANVAC - VF Phase III Study Overview

Pancreatic Cancer Program

PANVAC-VF Phase III Study Overview

Study Description

Therion is conducting a Phase III randomized, controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PANVAC-VF in combination with GM-CSF versus best supportive care or palliative chemotherapy (investigator�s choice) in patients with metastatic (Stage IV) adenocarcinoma of the pancreas who have failed a gemcitabine-containing chemotherapy regimen.

Study Endpoints

The primary endpoint is overall survival (OS). A log-rank test will be performed to compare OS in the vaccine arm versus the OS in the control arm (best supportive care or palliative chemotherapy).

Secondary endpoints include:

Quality of life parameters;
Change in serum CEA and CA19-9 levels;
Response rate;

Site Locations

Click here for a list of study sites