
Therion is a privately held company. The company is not required to file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission and does not publish a publically available annual report. However, general information about Therion can be easily obtained by contacting Investor Relations.

Therion's current investors include: Sofinov, Pacific Horizon Ventures, BioVentures Investors, SR One Limited, H&Q Healthcare Investors, H&Q Life Science Investors, Loeb Investors, Venture Capital Fund of America, Northwood Ventures, New York Life Insurance Company, Singapore Bio-Innovations, and Sidney R. Knafel.

To contact Therion simply fill out the form below and you will receive our information packet, or send an information request to this address:

Therion Biologics Corporation
76 Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
Attn: Investor Relations
Phone: (617) 876-7779
Fax: (617) 876-9391

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